10,000 Objections to Catholicism ANSWERED w/ Jimmy Akin

Today we discussed a BUNCH of objections to Catholicism ... I'll add a link or two under each topic if you want to do more research. Make sure you check out Jimmy's excellent podcast: https://sqpn.com/podcasts/jimmy-akins-mysterious-world/ šŸ”“ Have you joined our growing community on Locals (not a dating site ;)) yet? It's free to join: https://mattfradd.locals.com/ šŸ”“ Check out Exodus 90! https://exodus90.com/matt/ Check out the transcript of a recent talk Jimmy gave, Why Be Catholic: http://jimmyakin.com/why-be-catholic Here's what we discussed: - Papal authority and infallibility: https://pintswithaquinas.com/what-does-a-bad-pope-mean-for-the-church-w-joe-heschmeyer/ - The Assumption of Mary https://pintswithaquinas.com/4-things-catholics-believe-about-mary-w-tim-staples/ - Hell https://pintswithaquinas.com/25-does-hell-exist-is-it-eternal-with-fr-chis-pietraszko/ JPII on Hell: https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/audiences/1999/documents/hf_jp-ii_aud_28071999.html Pope Benedixt XVI on Hell (especially 45-58): https://www.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20071130_spe-salvi.html - Masturbation C.S. Lewis on masturbation: https://youtu.be/8JstuIjSVwk Catechism on masturbation: http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/2352.htm - Contraception https://youtu.be/bIEt018Xmyk - Filioque https://www.catholic.com/tract/filioque *** Then we went into a lightning round ... - Women cant be priests https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jyctoYTY9k - Prayers to saints https://youtu.be/VXmcn9vcDug - Purgatory https://youtu.be/QtEDP9wivN8 Pope Benedixt XVI on Hell (especially 45-58): https://www.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20071130_spe-salvi.html - Calling priest fathers https://www.catholic.com/tract/call-no-man-father Jimmy Akin explaining this at greater length: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ0RMarygLQ - Moving the sabbath to Sunday? https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/from-sabbath-to-sunday Jimmy Akin explaining this at greater length: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joHiQsgDTs4 - The Rosary is repetitious prayer and that's condemned. https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/do-catholics-pray-vain-repetitions Jimmy Akin explaining this at greater length: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlegxTFTyWY - Jesus is just a spin off of pagan deities ... new testament not reliable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Gb8o1_eeFY Other vids and resources on this topic: https://youtu.be/0Gb8o1_eeFY https://youtu.be/2buCpgHUI8U https://youtu.be/2buCpgHUI8U Timestamps: 00:00 Start 6:07 Papal authority 17:26 Jimmy's Book 20:16 Marian Dogma's 41:04 Hell 44:56 Masturbation (38:48) 47:53 Are more traditional (older) beliefs better and to be more trusted, than modern understandings? 50:18 Doctrinal development 54:04 Exodus 90 fraternity 55:05 Complex questions, complex answers 58:12 Sex-abuse scandal 1:03:06 Contraception 1:12:33 Filioque(and the Son) Controversy 1:17:10 Women can't be priests 1:18:34 Prayers to saints 1:20:30 Calling priests fathers 1:22:50 The Lord's day is not the new sabbath 1:25:45 Repetition in prayer (Rosary) 1:29:59 Sacred music 1:38:54 Is Jesus a spin off of pagan deities? (e.g. Horus) 1:41:06 The reliability of New Testament documents 1:42:38 Acts a reliable travel diary according to ancient mapping data 1:45:08 Random comment about death metal 1:45:32 Taste and the Liturgy (Liturgical Law Book by Jimmy) 1:52:08 Riding a hoverboard up the Altar

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