Through the Tilma the Day Star will Arise in Our Hearts type SF15 at Checkout for 15% off Mediatrix Press affiliate link - Glory & Shine products here Living at this time, we have many private revelations that the Church has approved to help us… such as Our Lady at La Salette or Fatima. But the one I want to concentrate today on is Our Lady of Guadalupe…for a couple of reasons. (i) This apparition and its Tilma, provide us with a comprehensive message for our day and for Christmas. (ii) It fits the liturgical season very well because in the heavenly picture on the Tilma, Our Lady has the Christ Child present in her womb. She is the Ark of the Covenant, the House of God, the throne of God that endures for ever. Here, pictured on the Tilma, is the promised sinless house of God that sinful David could not make. A little history helps. The visions took place in December of 1531 even as Europe was the in the throws of the Protestant Revolution as well as the Renaissance (re-discovery of pagan texts of Rome and Greece). At this time Copernicus revived the long dead theory of heliocentrism… the earth rotated around the Sun (it was first proposed in ancient Greece) which in turn led to the Galileo affair that modern scientists always talk about. It is important to note how all the Fathers and Doctors universally held that the earth occupied the center, and they were aware of the theory of heliocentrism. Also of historical note in 1531 the Muslims were rising up and making great headway in the East threatening Europe itself. Not much has changed!! At this critical time Our Lady came to give us a message to dispel the confusion and darkness caused by these things and bring the faithful back to the “obedience of faith.” And since these battles are still very much with us, this message is still very much relevant. Here, then, are some points we can consider… to help the Day Star rise in our hearts! For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest ***Donations to Sensus Fidelium is 501(c)3 tax deductible*** 🙏🏻PLEASE HELP OUR CHANNEL GROW 🙏🏻 ▶️ 1. Become a Channel Patron: ▶️ 2. Visit the website for Gueranger, Saint of the Day, Apologetics, Meditation by the Saints, Scripture Study and more. ▶️ 3. BitChute --- ▶️ 4. Rumble --- ▶️ 5. My Catholic Tube - ▶️ 6. --- ▶️ 7. ODYSEE - ▶️ 8. UGETube - ▶️ 9. BrandNewTube - ▶️ 10. Paypal, Bitcoin, Anedot, Stripe, Square & PO Box donations - ▶️ 11. YouTube: Click Subscribe, then Click "Notification Bell" = 🔔 Please "Like" our videos so that Youtube shares it to others by clicking the "Like" thumbs-up under the video = 👍🏻 ▶️ 12. Please share this video 📲, and help others find Christ inside the Catholic Church! Please share this video on Facebook and Twitter using the share button. ▶️ 13. Follow on Social Media: 🔴 Facebook: 🔴 Sensus Fidelium Twitter: https:// 🔴 YouTube: Click Subscribe, then Click "Notification Bell" = 🔔 🔴 Parler: 🔴 SP3RN: ▶️ 14. Follow on iTunes: 🔴

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