Ralph Martin - Don't Waste Your Suffering (and Don't Be Too Afraid of It)

This week, Ralph reminds us of some of the great wisdom of St. Francis de Sales concerning suffering, and some of the amazing revelations of the power of suffering to bring about conversion contained in the messages of the angel and Mary at Fatima, and the powerful words of Jesus not to fear those who can kill the body, and the confidence we should have in the Father’s personal, detailed, love of us. Renewal Ministries is dedicated to fostering renewal and evangelization in the Catholic Church by helping people know the personal love of God in Jesus and grow in holiness. Stay connected with us to receive more compelling content that strives to help you walk more closely with the Lord! Also, as censorship of social media becomes more prevalent, we invite you to join our email list in order to ensure that you continue receiving the latest and most important messages from us: https://www.renewalministries.net/#stay-in-touch Visit our website: www.RenewalMinistries.net Visit our Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/catholicrenewalministries Make a donation: www.renewalministries.net/donate

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