Do We Really Want Our Lord to Come type SF15 at Checkout for 15% off Mediatrix Press affiliate link - Glory & Shine products here We are now a people of gradualism…we practice a spirituality of gradualism with little or no urgency. We are now a Church of Gradualism called to accompany the sinner but never to admonish. We are a Church of baby steps without any great leaps of Faith. But this spirituality of gradualism is so different from our Lord’s urgent call to reform. To the individual who was focused on building up his material holdings at the cost of his spiritual well being, Our Lord stated: You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. St. John the Baptist, the greatest of all prophets, spoke of the coming of the Lamb of God. His message was serious and urgent…do not waste this time of grace, but respond quickly. As the prophet put it: Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of penance…Every tree therefore that doth not yield good fruit, shall be cut down, and cast into the fire. St. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, spoke about the immediacy and urgency of our response to the coming of Christ. St. Paul writes that it is time to awake from our sleep…Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. Dear people, let us take the rest of this Advent Season to increase our longing for the coming of the Lord to save us. Let us long for His Second Coming…let us long for the spiritual renewal of His First Coming…and let us long for His interior coming into our souls to free us from our captivity. For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest ***Donations to Sensus Fidelium is 501(c)3 tax deductible*** 🙏🏻PLEASE HELP OUR CHANNEL GROW 🙏🏻 ▶️ 1. Become a Channel Patron: ▶️ 2. Visit the website for Gueranger, Saint of the Day, Apologetics, Meditation by the Saints, Scripture Study and more. ▶️ 3. BitChute --- ▶️ 4. Rumble --- ▶️ 5. My Catholic Tube - ▶️ 6. --- ▶️ 7. ODYSEE - ▶️ 8. UGETube - ▶️ 9. Paypal, Bitcoin, Anedot, Stripe, Square & PO Box donations - ▶️ 10. YouTube: Click Subscribe, then Click "Notification Bell" = 🔔 Please "Like" our videos so that Youtube shares it to others by clicking the "Like" thumbs-up under the video = 👍🏻 ▶️ 11. Please share this video 📲, and help others find Christ inside the Catholic Church! Please share this video on Facebook and Twitter using the share button. ▶️ 12. Follow on Social Media: 🔴 Facebook: 🔴 Sensus Fidelium Twitter: https:// 🔴 YouTube: Click Subscribe, then Click "Notification Bell" = 🔔 🔴 Parler: 🔴 SP3RN: ▶️ 13. Follow on iTunes: 🔴

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